
Legal Disclaimer

All material provided on PTV’s Retail and/or eLearning website is provided for information purposes only. Although every effort is made to ensure that all information provided is accurate and up to date, PTV makes no claim whatsoever with respect to the accuracy of the information. PTV does not accept any liability for any form of loss or damage that may result from any person’s reliance on the information contained on PTV’s Retail and/or eLearning website.

Some pages on PTV’s Retail and/or eLearning website contain links to other websites (external links). PTV makes no claim with respect to the accuracy, suitability or authenticity of any information or materials contained in external links. PTV does not accept any liability for any form of loss or damage that may result from any person’s reliance on the information contained in any external links.

PTV advises that you should verify all information and obtain independent advice before acting upon any information contained on PTV’s Retail and/or eLearning website, or any external link.

Translation Disclaimer

 Public Transport Victoria has linked to Google Translate to allow you to translate the contents of this website.  Google Translate is not PTV's service and is not related to PTV.  Google Translate works by automatically translating text using a computer program. This means that Google Translate translations of this website may not always be accurate. 

PTV has not checked the accuracy of these translations, so please use them as a guide only. If you would like any help with the lessons, please contact your Relationship & Training Officer. PTV is not responsible for your incorrect operation of the myki sales system as a result of an inaccurate translation.

 For more information on Google Translate please see http://translate.google.com.au/about/intl/en_ALL/.